How to Handle a Car Fire

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Car fires can be terrifying and dangerous situations. Whether it’s due to a collision, a mechanical malfunction, or an electrical issue, knowing how to handle a car fire is crucial for your safety and the safety of others on the road.

This week, as we observe Burn Awareness Week (February 4-10, 2024), it’s an opportune moment to discuss what to do if you find yourself facing a car fire. By staying calm and following some simple steps, you can mitigate the risks and increase the chances of a safe outcome.

More Safety Tips Here:

Understanding the Risk

Firstly, it’s essential to understand the potential causes of car fires. They can stem from various sources, including fuel leaks, overheated engines, electrical faults, or accidents. Regardless of the cause, a car fire poses significant risks, including burns, smoke inhalation, and even explosions. Therefore, being prepared and knowing how to react promptly is crucial.

Stay Calm and Act Quickly

If you notice smoke or flames coming from your vehicle while driving, it’s important to remain calm and act swiftly. Your immediate actions can make a significant difference in the outcome of the situation. Here’s what you should do:

Pull Over Safely

Signal and maneuver your vehicle to the side of the road as quickly and safely as possible. Try to park in an open area away from traffic, if feasible.

Turn Off the Engine

Cut off the ignition to prevent fuel from feeding the fire further.

Evacuate Immediately

Exit the vehicle promptly and move a safe distance away from it. Make sure all occupants, including pets, exit the vehicle as well. Do not attempt to retrieve personal belongings; your safety is the top priority.

Call for Help

Once you’re at a safe distance, dial emergency services (such as 911) to report the fire. Provide them with your location and any relevant details about the situation.

burning car

Warn Others

If possible, use hazard lights, flares, or warning triangles to alert other motorists to the hazard ahead.

Document the Scene

Make sure to take photos of the scene and document the time and place of the incident. If the fire was the result of a car accident, this can be used to help recover compensation from the at fault party.

Consider seeking legal guidance, according to the Orange County car accident lawyer at BGA Law, victims can recover damages for burn injuries and other losses as a result of the car fire. 

Check These:

Do NOT Attempt to Fight the Fire

While it may be tempting to try to extinguish the flames yourself, it’s generally not advisable. Car fires can escalate rapidly, and attempting to put out the fire without proper equipment and training can be extremely dangerous.

Additionally, toxic fumes and the risk of explosion make firefighting attempts by untrained individuals highly risky. Leave the firefighting to the professionals who have the necessary equipment and expertise to handle such situations safely.

Prevention is Key

While you hope never to experience a car fire, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk:

  • Regular Maintenance: Keep your vehicle well-maintained, including checking for signs of leaks, worn wiring, or other potential fire hazards.
  • Safe Refueling: Avoid overfilling the fuel tank, and never smoke while refueling.
  • Proper Storage: Store flammable materials such as gasoline and propane in secure, well-ventilated areas away from heat sources.
  • Electrical Safety: Be cautious with aftermarket electrical modifications, and promptly address any electrical issues or warning signs such as flickering lights or burnt smells.

More on Driving Safely Here:


In conclusion, knowing how to handle a car fire can be a lifesaving skill. By staying calm, acting quickly, and prioritizing safety, you can minimize the risks and increase the chances of a positive outcome in the event of a car fire.

As we observe Burn Awareness Week, let’s raise awareness about the importance of fire safety and empower individuals with the knowledge they need to stay safe on the roads. Remember, when it comes to car fires, safety always comes first.

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John Miller

John Miller is a cars enthusiast who loves writing anything related to automobiles. He is a passionate blogger writing for and other auto blogs