Spring Driving: The Hidden Dangers of the Road
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There are a lot of hidden dangers when it comes to spring driving. Check out this article to find out how to stay safe on the road this spring.
As the seasons change and we enter spring, hidden dangers on the road can come to the forefront and put drivers at risk. As snow melts away, the sun shines a little brighter, and the trees begin to blossom, so does the potential for serious driving hazards.
In this article, we will discuss the dangers of spring driving and what you can do to stay safe on the road, whether you’re planning a spring road trip or driving on your daily commute.
One of the most common hazards that drivers face during the spring months is potholes. Potholes are caused by the freezing and thawing of water in the cracks of the road, and they can cause serious damage to your car if you hit one at high speeds. “Driving through a pothole can damage your vehicle’s tires and throw the front end out of alignment,” note accident lawyers at Manchin Injury Law Group, “when possible, it’s best to drive around the potholes completely.”
In addition to damaging your car, hitting a pothole can also cause you to lose control of your vehicle, which can lead to a serious accident. When driving in the spring, it is important to keep an eye out for potholes and to slow down if you see one coming up ahead.
Wet and Slippery Roads
When roads are wet, it takes longer for your car to come to a complete stop, which can increase your chances of a crash. If snow is still on the ground, melting snow can create slush on the road that can cause your car to slide. To stay safe on wet and slippery roads, check your car after a storm. If you must drive during inclement weather, make sure to reduce your speed, leave plenty of room between your car and the car in front of you and avoid making sudden turns or stops.
Spring is the time of year when many animals come out of hibernation and start to move around. Animals can cause serious damage to your car if you hit them, and they can also cause serious injuries to you and your passengers. To avoid colliding with wildlife, keep an eye out for any animals on the side of the road and to slow down if you see something.
Cyclists and Pedestrians
When driving in the spring, keep an eye out for cyclists and pedestrians enjoying the warmer weather. Share the road and be sure to give pedestrians and cyclists plenty of room. Be extra cautious when driving near parks, schools or other recreational areas, as there may be more children playing outside.
Allergies and Fatigue
Spring can also be a dangerous time of year for drivers who suffer from allergies or fatigue. Allergies can cause symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, and drowsiness, which can make it difficult to concentrate while driving. The change in daylight hours can cause fatigue, which can also impair your ability to drive safely. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 6,000 fatal crashes each year may involve a drowsy driver.
Stay safe on the road by making sure to take any medication you need for your allergies and to get plenty of rest before getting behind the wheel.
Spring Driving Safety
While spring weather can be beautiful, it can also bring its own unique hazards to the road. To stay safe on the road during the spring months, make sure to keep an eye out for hazards and to take steps to mitigate your chances of an accident. By being a cautious and responsible driver, you can help to ensure that you and your passengers arrive at your destination safely.